Each family is required to complete a minimum of 10 hours of participation each term, totaling 20 hours per school year. No carry-over of hours will be allowed. (Under extenuating circumstances, exceptions may be allowed with the approval of the Pastor, Principal and the Participation Coordinator.) All families will dedicate 3 additional hours assisting at the Spring Picnic.
If the family does not complete the total number of hours per term (10 hours), the cheques for the Participation Fee of $300 (per term) will be cashed and goes to the general operation account of the school.
Participation Opportunities will posted in Newsletters or emailed to families
Participation Opportunities
- Classroom Help (contact classroom teacher directly)
- Fundraising Events
- Hot Lunch
- Lice Checks
- Saturday Work Parties (Dates TBA)
- Scholastic Book Fair
Parish Opportunities – contact parish office
- Church Cleaning
- Church Booth
- Gardening
- Seniors Christmas Luncheon (TBA)